Naprężenia momentowe w zagadnieniu-kontaktowym dla pasma nieskończonego
blocks move at a constant velocity along the surfaces of the layer. The couple-stresses seem to be responsible for a considerable increase of the stress concentration factor; a similar influence is observed with respect to the critical value of velocity c at which a resonance with the surface waves in a Cosserat-type medium should be expected.
W. T. KOITER, Approximate solutions of Wiener-Hopf type integral equations with applications, Proc. Kon. Ned. Acad. Wet., 5, 57 (1954). 2. R.D. MINDLIN, Influence of couple-stresses on stress concentrations, Experimental Mechanics, January 1963.
M. SOKOLOWSKI, Stresses in a rigidly clamped plate strip, Arch. Mech. Stos., 2, 14 (1962).
M. MATCZYÁSKI, M. SOKOLOWSKI, Quasi-static problem of a rigidly clamped elastic layer, Arch. Mech. Stos., 6, 19 (1967).
E. STERNBERG, R. MUKI, The Influence of Couple-Stresses on Singular Stress Concentrations in Elastic Solids, Z. angew. Math. Phys., 5, 16 (1965).
C. RYMARZ, Fale powierzchniowe w ośrodku z naprężeniami momentowymi, Mech. Teoret. Stos., 3, 5 (1967).
W.M. EWING, W.S. JARDETZKY, F. PRESS, Elastic Waves in Layered Media, Mc Graw Hill, New York-Toronto-London 1957.