Engineering Transactions, 20, 4, pp. 479–496, 1972

Obliczanie Skończonych Sprężysto-Plastycznych Ugięć Prętów Słabo Zakrzywionych

M. Radwańska
Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków

The paper deals with the geometrically nonlinear analysis of rods made of elastic-plastic materials with multiple hardening, i.e. of the sectionally linear elastic materials.
In Sec. 1 are discussed the difficulties encountered in calculating the geometrically and physically nonlinear rods, and simplifications introduced by various authors are listed; fundamental assumptions are given. Section 2 presents the equations of a deformed rod and their application to the simplified «multipoint» cross-section model according to [D and 8]. Section 3 contains the formal solution of the resulting equation of the deflection curve. Section 4 presents the method of effective numerical integration of the equations (based on earlier papers of one of the co-authors), while Sec. 5 gives the calculation scheme prepared for the «ODRA 1013» electronic computer and a numerical example concerning a statically determinate sandwich arch. Section 6 constitutes a summary of the paper.

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