Engineering Transactions, 35, 4, pp. 591-609, 1987

Mode Interaction in Wide Plate with Closed Section Longitudinal Stiffeners Under Compression

Z. Kołakowski
Technical University of Łódź, Łódź

Interaction of nearly simultaneous buckling modes in the presence of imperfections is studied. The investigation is concerned with an infinitely wide plate having thin-walled longitudinal stiffeners of trapezoid cross-section under uniform compression. In these structures a few, modes are of particular interest, namely an overall long-wave buckling mode of the whole structures and local short-waves buckling modes, respectively. The asymptotic expansion established by BYSKOV and HUTCHINSON [1] is also used here. The present paper is devoted to the study of equilibrium paths in the advanced post-buckling region of an imperfect stiffened plate. The bifurcation stress is determined analytically and the asymptotically exact expansion is obtained for the initial post-bifurcation behaviour. The calculations are carried out for several types or plates with closed section longitudinal stiffeners.

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