Engineering Transactions, 13, 1, pp. 9-17, 1965

Bezpieczeństwo Liny jako Złożonego Elementu Konstrukcyjnego

W. Piekarski
Politechnika Warszawska

In composite structural elements subject to tension, such as ropes, cables, sets of wires or bars in r.c. structures etc. the number n of component elements has an essential influence on the safety of the structure. The object of the present considerations is a rope composed of n wires.
The strength of the i-th wire is a random variable obeying the probability distribution law for the type of steel used and independent of the strength of the remaining wires. Thus in a rope of n wires we are concerned with n independent random variables. The strength Ri of the rope (which is a random variable) is therefore a sum of n independent random variables. Hence the mean strength R of the rope is the rithmetic mean of the mean strengths R of separate wires [the Eqs. (3) and (5)1 and the dispersion of the strength is yn times smaller than that of the wires [the Eqs. (6), (6) and (6')].
Due to the reduction of strength dispersion the rope (which constitutes a structural part composed
of 71 wires) shows greater safety than that of a single wire.

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