Engineering Transactions, 20, 3, pp. 319–324, 1972

Badanie Stanu Naprężenia Wałów z Krążkami

T.Ju. Kepicz
Katedra Teorii Sprężystości Uniwersytetu im. Szewczenki w Kijowie, Kijów

W.I. Sawczenko
Katedra Teorii Sprężystości Uniwersytetu im. Szewczenki w Kijowie, Kijów

The paper presents the results of experimental investigations of the stresses due to torsion and bending of a shaft with a constant circular cross-section; the shaft is equipped with one or three disks forged together with the shaft. This type of shafts is frequently applied in turbine structures. The photo-elastic investigations took into account the spatial state of stress. The stress distributions and their concentrations are shown in diagrams; the analysis of the results presented in the paper allows for drawing some interesting conclusions of practical importance.
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