Engineering Transactions, 18, 4, pp. 607-613, 1970

Bezpośrednie Wyznaczanie Składowych Naprężenia Metodą Charakterystyk Na Podstawie Samych Izochrom

R. Wojnar
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk

By substituting into the differential equations of equilibrium the function describing the difference of principal stresses, known from photo-elastic measurement, we obtain a set of two partial differential equations for the two components of the stress tensor; that set of equations can be solved by means of the method of characteristics. It is found that the characteristics possess physical sense identical with the characteristics of the equations derived by W. Szczepiński. In the method suggested for finding the components of stress sought for, it suffices to know the isochromes m (x, y), and only one partial derivative-e.g., dm/dx.
The method has been verified by comparing it for the solution of A certain problem obtained by means of it with that known from the theory.

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W. SZCZEPINSKI, Method of characteristics in computations of the experimental stress analysis, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Série Sci., tech., 12 (1964), 619.

M. PIGEAUD, Résistance des matériaux et élasticité, 2, 3 éd. Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1950.