Engineering Transactions, 7, 1, pp. 41-91, 1959

Tablice do Obliczania Powierzchni Wpływowych dla Pasma Płytowego

Z. Kaczkowski
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN

M. Żórawski
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN

This paper contains 15 numerical tables for computing the ordinates of the influence surfaces for geometric and mechanical quantities of a plate strip. Using these tables, we can find deflections, moments and shear forces in a plate subjected to the action of concentrated moments, axially symmetric loads, or loads uniformly distributed along a straight line segment. Numerical examples concerning girderless floor illustrate the use of the tables.

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Copyright © Polish Academy of Sciences & Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT PAN).


Z. Kaczkowski, Pewne zamknięte postaci funkcji ugięcia pasma płytowego, Arch. Mech. Stos. 4 (1953).

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