Engineering Transactions, 16, 3, pp. 281-298, 1968

Charakterystyka laminarnego płynięcia cieczy nienewtonowskich za pomocą modelu reologicznego o trzech parametrach

W. Parzonka
Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza, Wrocław

The present paper contains a review of equations for describing the curves of flow of non-Newtonian liquids. It is found that the two-parameter equations of Bingham and de Waele-Ostwald are often insufficient for accurate description. On the other hand many formulae for complex bodies are not convenient. Considerable advantages are offered by the recent (1967) Vocadlo equation expressed in a tensor form and reducing for rotating and capillary viscometers to the formulae

τ=(τ_0^(1/n)+KG)^n for τ > τ0,
(G ) ̇= 0 for τ ≤ τ0.

This is a generalization of the formulae of Newton, de Waele-Ostwald and Bingham.
The paper contains also a solution of the problem of the Vocadlo model as applied to the rotating viscometer constants To, K, n and the transformation of the measurement curve into the real flow curve. This method is applied successfully to the description of How curve of homo-
geneous soil-water mixtures. It is found that the Vocadlo equation describes in a more perfect manner the motion of such mixtures than the models of Bingham and de Waele-Ostwald hitherto used.

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