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Author Guidelines
The periodical Engineering Transactions (formerly Rozprawy Inżynierskie) presents original papers which should not be published elsewhere.
The language of the journal is English. As a rule, the volume of a paper should not exceed 40,000 typographic signs, that is about 20 typewritten pages, format: 210×297 mm. The papers should be submitted in pdf format by an on-line procedure (including text, all figures, tables, and references). Manuscripts should be original and should not be published previously or simultaneously submitted elsewhere, neither in whole, nor in part. Submitted papers must be written in good English and proofread by a native speaker. Metadata of all authors should be given on the journal website.
Each manuscript is initially evaluated by the Editor and then allocated to an Associate Editor according to specific subject area. The Associate Editor sends it for review. The Editor and the Associate Editors make the final recommendation. Their opinions are crucial for the Editorial Committee to decide whether the paper can be accepted for publication or not.
Each manuscript must be set in accordance with the norms established by the Editorial Office. Special importance is attached to the following directions:
- The title of the paper should be as short as possible.
- The authors of the paper should give full names (not only initials) and surnames, affiliations, addresses for correspondence, and e-mails of all authors. The corresponding author email should be pointed out. Please also provide the ORCID number (if exist).
- The authors should enclose an abstract (summary) of the paper. The volume of the abstract should be about 100 words and key words. The Abstract should be informative and briefly inform about motivation, problem statement, methodology, and results.
- Keywords should be given. It is also desirable to include a list of notation used in the paper.
- The text should be preceded by a brief introduction.
- Only such formulae should be numbered to which the author refers throughout the paper, and also the resulting formulae. The formula number consists of two figures: the first represents the section number and the other the formula number in that section. Thus the division into subsections does not influence the numbering of formulae. The formula number should be written on the left-hand side of the formula; round brackets are necessary to avoid any misunderstanding. For instance, if the author refers to the third formula in the set (2.1), a subscript should be added to denote the formula, viz. (2.1)3.
- All the notation should be written very distinctly. Special care must be taken to write small and capital letters as precisely as possible. It has been established to denote vectors and matrices by semi-bold type. Trigonometric functions are denoted by sin, cos, tan, and cot, inverse functions – by arc sin, arc cos, arc tan, and arc cot; hyperbolic functions are denoted by sh, ch, th and cth, inverse hyperbolic functions – by Arsh, Arch, Arth and Arcth.
- References in the text of the paper should be given in Arabic numerals in square brackets. The reference list could be arranged in alphabetical order or in order of appearance of citations in text. Items appearing in the reference list should include the author surname and his/her initials of the first name(s), full title of the paper, book or chapter in the book in English (if it was published in another language, please indicate in which and, if applicable, provide the title in the original entry). After the book title the publisher's name, the place and year of publication should be given, e.g.,
Ziemba S., Vibration analysis, PWN, Warszawa 1970.
In the case of a journal, the full title of the journal, consecutive volume number, current issue number (when needed), pages from ... to ..., year of publication, and doi number (if exist) or URL; a volume number must be in semi-bold type-face, e.g.,
Wilson A., Vehicle weight is the key driver for automotive composites, Reinforced Plastics, 61(2): 100–102, 2017, doi: 1016/j.repl.2015.10.002. - At the end of manuscript should be included (in the order given here): Acknowledgements/ Funding Acknowledgement (if relevant), a Declaration of Conflicting Interests, and References.
- A Declaration of Conflicting Interests should be included under the heading 'Declaration of Conflicting Interest'. If no conflict exists, authors should include information 'The Author(s) declare(s) that there are no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could influence the work reported in this paper’.
After acceptance, open files of text and figures are required. The Word or LaTeX source files of the final version of articles are allowed.
Figures (sent for publication) must be of publication quality. Each figure should be saved in separate file and captioned and numbered so that it can float. Authors will need to submit the original source files in vector format for all photos, diagrams and graphs in a manuscript.
For diagrams and graphs vector EPS or vector PDF files are the most useful (EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript.). Most drawing and graphing packages (e.g. Mathematica, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, MATLAB) allow the user to save files in one of these formats. Make sure that what you save is vector graphics and not a bitmap. Please, also include the original data for any plots. This is particularly important if you are unable to save Excel-generated plots in vector format. Saving them as bitmaps is not useful; please send the Excel (.xls) spreadsheets instead.
Photographs should be of a high-quality – with resolution no lower than 300 dpi.
Pack all figure files into a single archive (zip, tar, rar or other format) and then upload on the magazine web site.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is submitted to another journal for consideration.
- The submission file is in PDF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- A competing interests statement is provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare.
Copyright Notice
Copyright on any open access article in the Engineering Transactions published by Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Acoustical Society is retained by the author(s).
Authors grant Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
Authors also grant any user the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.

The Creative Commons Attribution License-ShareAlike 4.0 formalizes these and other terms and conditions of publishing articles.
Exceptions to copyright policy
For the articles which were previously published, before year 2019, policies that are different from the above. In all such, access to these articles is free from fees or any other access restrictions.
Permissions for the use of the texts published in that journal may be sought directly from the Editorial Office of Engineering Transactions
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.